Access Shared Files/Folders of Computer on any Mobile Phone

It happens sometimes that you need to carry some important documents or images but lack of having a portable drive forbids you in doing so. But now if you have an active internet connection on your PC, you can get these files easily over the internet from anywhere with help of homepipe.

What is it?

HomePipe is the first-ever consumer-focused cloud solution that enables instant and safe access to all your home files. HomePipe gives you FREE access to your favorite photos, movies, and music—everything on your home network—using any smartphone, netbook or Web browser.

How does HomePipe work?

HomePipe works securely and easily over the Web, using the secure HomePipe network and small lightweight agents that reside in the home.

HomePipe saves you time because you don’t need to move your home files anywhere or be a computer whiz to use it! Now you can leave your pictures of your kids, your family videos or your important docs in a safe and secure place at home and get to them from anywhere on nearly any device. And unlike some cloud services, HomePipe has no storage limit because it leverages your home storage.

How to avail this service
At First you have to register for a free account on As you register and confirm your account you will be provided with download links of homepipe agent, a small application available for all versions of windows. This application resides at the system tray and you have to login from there using your account details.

More info and download available here

Note: To access the shared files you will need a constant internet connection with the homepipe agent running on your computer.


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