Hidden Registry Settings for the “Send to” Menu in Windows 7


By default when you right-click on a file or folder in Windows 7,  it enumerates the items in your Send To folder to build the Send To menu. By setting the DelaySendToMenuBuild DWORD value data to 1 you can change the default behavior, so that Send To menu entries are generated only when you click the "Send To" menu, rather than on every right-click.
Also, you may notice that the context menu pops up little bit faster than before.
DelaySendToMenuBuild (REG_DWORD value) is implemented in the following registry location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer


The NoSendTo value can be used to hide the "Send To" menu in the right-click menu for a file type. It’s implemented in the file type’s ProgID. For example, to hide the "Send To" menu for text files (.txt), you’ll have to create a NoSendTo (REG_SZ) value in this location:


The Send To menu displays removable drives by default, as shown below:
By enabling the NoDrivesInSendToMenu (DWORD) value, you can hide drive-letters from the Send To menu without actually hiding the drives in Windows Explorer environment. This edit works in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, and is explained in this article and also here. It’s implemented in this registry location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
* You’ll need to logoff and login back for this registry edit to take effect.


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